Gratitude: Thanksgiving Hand Lettering with Pitt Artist Pens

Gratitude Word Art


Hi everyone, Mou Saha here with a word art tutorial that celebrates this season of Gratitude. I am working with Pitt Artist Pens and some watercolors today. I have made a complete materials list for you.


Sketch on paper with Grip 2001 Graphite Pencil

Pick a quote on Gratitude that you love. Start with a light pencil draft of the words on the page.

Gratitude Hand Lettering and Pitt Artist Pens

Go over the penciled words with Pitt Artist Pens in Calligraphy (C), Brush (B) and Superfine (S) tips. You can add variety by enlarging some words and minimizing others in size.

Thanksgiving Gratitude Hand Lettering

Erase pencil lines.

Thanksgiving Gratitude Hand Lettering

Make some marks around the word art with Pitt Artist Pen. You can add some colors and softness to your page by adding watercolor shapes over your marks.  Just keep in mind not to add anything that might distract from the words in the quote.

If you celebrate Thanksgiving, then Happy Thanksgiving to you. I am grateful for all of you and your creativity!

Artist Biography - Mou Saha - Mou Saha Studio


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