Kawaii Witch Illustration

Get ready for the cutest witching hour ever in Part 2 of our Halloween Art Extravaganza!

Class Overview:

October 18, 2023 | 6:00pm ET

We're taking a magical turn and diving into the world of kawaii witches. Prepare to be charmed as we learn the secrets to creating adorably bewitching characters that'll steal your heart!

With Goldfaber Aqua Dual Markers and a touch of Gelatos magic, we'll bring these enchanting creatures to life with vibrant, spellbinding colors. It's all about the fun and flair as we learn playful techniques to make your characters pop!

No need for serious incantations here - just bring your enthusiasm and a sprinkle of imagination. Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, this class is tailor-made for anyone who loves a dash of whimsy.

So grab your broomstick (or your art supplies, if broomsticks aren't readily available), and let's make some kawaii magic together! Don't miss out on this spellbinding adventure - it's going to be a bewitchingly good time! 

What You'll Need:







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