Create Hand Lettered Cards for Easter

Is it possible to conjure up a beautiful wildflower meadow on a card in a few simple steps? It is! Here we show you step by step how to create your own work of art with the Albrecht Dürer Watercolor Markers – a colorful spring greeting at Easter!
Recommended Art Materials:
Albrecht Dürer Watercolor Markers
Goldfaber Aqua Watercolor Pencils
Different sized round brushes / water brush
Colored card
Step 1:
First draw two horizontal lines with a pencil in the middle of watercolor paper cut to size and then add your hand lettering in between. As they are water-soluble, the Goldfaber Aqua watercolor pencils are an outstanding choice for doing the preliminary drawings of the flowers and leaves. Alternatively, you can print out our template on watercolor paper.
Step 2:
Now fill in the contours with the Albrecht Dürer Watercolor Markers. You don't have to work ultra precisely – with watercoloring you spread the color later.
Step 3:
Now start to spread the color on the flowers with a brush and some water. A water brush is ideal here; for fine areas, use a small size round brush.

Step 4:
To ensure a natural transition of colors when watercoloring, add a little water to the paper in places where there is little or no color. Now, slowly and steadily pick up more and more color with the brush to ensure the transition is smooth.
Step 5:
Now watercolor the stems and leaves of the flowers and proceed with the individual elements from the inside to the outside.
Step 6:
Let everything dry and then use a black Pitt Artist Pen to fill in the lettering.
Step 7:
Finally, add contours to the petals, stems and leaves, and add details to the flowers, such as pistils and anthers. This works best with the black Pitt Artist Pen XS. If you want to add some shiny touches, use the Metallic Marker in the color heart of gold.
Now stick your personally designed card onto colorful cardboard and send your Easter greetings to your loved ones. Our gift tags are also inspiring and will turn your presents into real eye-catchers!