Hand Lettered Christmas Envelopes

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‘Tis the season! It’s time to start getting those letters to Santa Claus (or just your holiday card) letters ready to mail! Try adding a little holiday flair this year!
- I always write the actual address part clearly and in all caps (this helps to prevent any confusion of letter formation)
- I like to put my return address on the back (leaves some extra room for doodles on the front)
You want to make sure you center the name and address. There are plenty of tools available if you don’t feel comfortable free-handing it. You can draw lines with a ruler, use a laser level, or find an envelope addressing template.
Since I am going to put my return address on the back it gives me more room on the front to add designs and doodles! I decided to use a mixture of leaves/pine needles, holiday berries and a few golden bells! These designs can be as simple as a few lines to add a pop of color. *Remember to try and keep your designs 2D (when you add dimension it requires more than just a forever stamp to mail).
Try experimenting with different designs and color combinations! The most important thing to remember is it should be FUN and add a personal touch to your holiday envelopes!