Coloring Techniques

Shading, blending and other techniques can be used to enhance your coloring pages. These techniques will work well with Polychromos color pencils and Art Grip Aquarelle® Watercolor Pencils. 

Intense Color:

Intense Color Technique in Shades of Red To create blocks of intense color, hold the pencil in an almost vertical position and press down hard on the paper.
Shading Color Technique in Shades of Red
To color an area evenly, hold the pencil at a very shallow angle, and only press down lightly on the paper.The structure of the paper will be visible, while individual strokes will not.

Hatching and Cross-Hatching:

Hatching Color Technique in Shades of Red Drawing many lines alongside each other will create an area of color, which can be intensified by repeatedly overlaying lines at
different angles.
Light to Dark:
Light to Dark Color Technique in Shades  of Red Light colors are transparent, while dark colors provide coverage. Superimposing layers of color increases the brilliance and vividness of the colors.


Fuschia Polychromos Color Pencil
Sanguine Polychromos Color Pencil
Cream Polychromos Color Pencil